My Account


WES is committed to the thorough and accurate evaluation of your academic credentials. The first phase of our process is document review and acceptance. Once required documents are received, verified, and accepted, the evaluation process length varies based on the details of your evaluation. See more details on our processing times.

Create Account

Note: WES requires a separate account for each individual applying for credential evaluation.

indicates a required field

This is the name your parents have given you. Example: “José” is the first/given name from “José Garcia Fernández”.

This is the name you share with your family. Example: “Garcia Fernández” is the last/family name from “José Garcia Fernández”. If you have multiple last names, you should enter all of your last names exactly as they appear on your official identification (ID) documents.

Password requirements: 8-16 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - =). Do not include spaces.

By clicking "Create Account", you agree to the WES Privacy Policy.

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